Monday, August 9, 2021

My Latest Work: That House That Age, a novel -published in July 2021


I am happy to announce that my awaited novel, That House That Age, has come out of the Press and distributed through Online and other channels for sale as and While the cover page is here, I give below video link to the reading from the first chapter of the book by the Author and links to few online counters where the book is available. I shall be happier if it is read and commented upon by the esteemed readers.


At Youtube

Reading by author

At Boloji

At Boloji

Amazon links-


Link to


Link to amazon Kindle

Flipkart Link

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Life in Nature Life Beyond


Under the sky I live

Over the grass I walk

Free air I breathe

Natural water I drink

Nature in me I am in Nature

At death I get mixed with earth or burnt in fire

To be transformed into other lives

To live perpetually in Nature

Nature in me I am in Nature

I have no existence without it

Even in the subtle world I live as part of it

Nature is Divine in nature

Anything antagonistic to it is anti-divine

I cannot coexist with such entity.


Variety is the key to life

There cannot be one word

Many are the words 

Variety is the way of life

True language is as many

As human hearts in happiness or agony

Variety is the vibration of Natural life

Monotony is the begetter of perpetual strife.


Weaning away from mother’s breast

Detaching children of the soil from earth

Depending entirely on online

Thread to which is in other’s hands;

Is hanging on the wire

Allowing others to push you from the brink

Of the multi-storeyed tower

To fall not on the ground for the ground

Has already been taken away,

But on the nether world of which

None of the co-sharers of your life and livelihood

Would have any knowledge

Not even your corpse would be seen by any other than

Those who enslaved you who hold the thread of your lifeline

As it becomes synonymous with online;

They are the real enemies of mankind

Direct representatives of the Asuras; the anti divine forces

Who hold all resources of the earth under their Devilish Coffers

Perpetually wishing to hold the keys to your life in their hands.


They are beyond us, portentous

Let’s not-

Hear them talk to them

Touch them smell them

Fear them worship them

Hate or avoid them

They are at their best inhuman.

 (c) Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2021